S1E8 - Whip-poor-will
Songbirding StudiosSeptember 02, 202400:06:43

S1E8 - Whip-poor-will

A short recording that includes the song of the Eastern Whip-poor-will. This species is now only heard and seen in the Hamilton area during migration, as the local breeding populations have all collapsed. To hear one sing, you need to be up at night or at dawn during the brief migration window as they are a nocturnal bird.

This song was a pleasant surprise discovery in our recordings. This recording begins at 5:41 a.m., April 24, 2019 at McMaster Forest in Ancaster, Ontario.

Heard singing, calling, or both in this recording: Eastern Whip-poor-will, American Woodcock, Song Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Field Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Black-capped Chickadee.

Editing by Doug Welch and Rob Porter.

Audio sourced from the Hamilton Bioacoustics Research Project of the Hamilton Naturalists' Club.

For more information, visit http://hamiltonnature.org/songscapes
birds, birding, birdsong, Ontario, Canada, Bruce Peninsula, Great Lakes, songbirding,